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Welcome, Hyundai Motor Manufacturing Alabama

Take advantage of your personalized benefits program.

Auto & Home

    • Makes it easy to compare auto insurance quotes from multiple top insurance companies
    • Lets you quickly switch coverage if you find savings
    • Helps you customize coverage options
    • Allows you to compare multiple home insurance quotes with your current coverage
    • Makes it easy to switch coverage if you find savings 
    • Quotes coverage for houses, condos, apartments, and more

Life & Health

    • Medical coverage offers valuable benefits to help you stay healthy
    • Pay for care if you or your covered family members become sick or injured
    • Maintain healthy teeth and gums and improve overall health
    • Dental coverage offers benefits to help pay for regular dental check-ups, and other dental services
    • Helps replace your income if you become too ill or injured to work due to a non-work related illness or injury
    • Receive a portion of your salary in weekly payments
    • Meeting your financial obligations during both long-term and short-term periods of disability

Family & Personal Well-Being

Financial Support

Program Advantages


Special group rates

Receive exclusive rates that are typically lower than what you can find on your own


It’s your choice

Choose the benefits that fit your individual needs and customize to you.


Coverage that goes where you go

Move certain benefits along with you if you change employers